*swoon* The greatest fantasy blog on the internet just featured the Lightning Conjurer Series, calling it #unputdownable 🥰
Here’s part of the @magicbookcorner ‘s original post: ………………………………..
Image ccourtesy of The Magic Book Corner
Happy Friday everyone!💜
Today is my post for #unputdownables A project I’ve picked up from my good friend @siobhansmanybooks where we celebrate the books we just could not put down!!
My pick is⚡The Lightning Conjurer by Rachel Rener @thelightningconjurer
I honestly don’t remember the last time I set all my plans aside to read one full series, one book after another, from cover to cover. I know I did that for The Hunger Games, Harry Potter Collection as well as for The Twilight Saga, but nothing afterwards caught my attention quite the same way. Until this series here. I flew through the pages from book 1 to book 3, in only 2 days. And I wish there was more!!!
⚡Sexy, suspenseful, and brimming with magical realism, The Lightning Conjurer is a contemporary fantasy series comprised of 3 books: Book I, The Awakening, Book II, The Enlightening, and Book III, The Christening. ⚡It’s one of those rare series that once you open and start reading you simply cannot put down until you’ve reached the very end.