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Dragon Con has been a wild, nerdy, extravagant carnival of debauchery and pocky.
For those of you who have never attended, the convention takes place in the heart of downtown Atlanta in not just one but six different hotels. It attracts upwards of 85,000 people from all over the globe, not to mention a few tens of thousands more who show up in their finest cosplay and wait for the unticketed after-parties.
I've had a very full schedule of panels so I've sadly not been able to stick around for the late-night shenanigans, but I have still managed to:
Disrupt a parade by running across the street to get to a panel on time (It just kept going and going!)
Made 6 different rooms of people yell BOOBS! at the top of their lungs (to make sure the other nearby panels all had sufficient FOMO)
Get locked in a stairwell (Not my fault.)
Receive a BEAUTIFUL crocheted potato (with prominent buttcheeks on its posterior) from an amazingly generous reader
Watch Alan Tudyk give a limp banana to a fan (She was thrilled)
Offend a prominent urban fantasy writer during our panel by spilling a cup of water in my lap and telling the audience, "Ack, I've wet myself!" while she was monologuing about her book. (She did not find this funny.)
Clandestinely play Tic Tac Toe with A.J. Hartley during a live panel (and lost)
Hang out with Jim Butcher without putting my foot in my mouth (Yet.)
I've also gotten to meet some wonderful authors and readers in-person, see some of the coolest cosplays I've ever seen, AND witness a sandworm light a cigarette for Belle!
Here are a few more of my favorite photos from the weekend:
Dr. Doom is my little brother, Joey, who braved 100 degree weather in a tin can made out of airplane sheet metal!
Hanging out with authors who are far more intelligent than me (including Kim Harrison!) at the "Scientists Who Ditched Math for Magic" Panel
I even made Jim Butcher laugh - and I'm 97% sure it was with me, not at me!
Speaking of the Dresden Files, if you love paranormal PI's with humor and (a surprising amount of heart), my friend and Pilfered Quill co-writer David Green just released the newest installment in his Hell in Haven series and I hear it's the best one yet. I personally don't believe it since I've read the others and there's pretty much no way they can be topped. But we shall see, Mr. Green. We Shall see.
Do yourself a favor and go nab your Labor Day binge-read now!
I have one more panel tonight and then tomorrow my husband and I are headed to the Georgia Aquarium for a behind the scenes tour. After that, we are off to Scotland for RARE! (Britt is coming too!!) Wanna know the coolest part? While Britt and I are away, we have a brand new FULFILLMENT MANAGER who will be handling orders! You heard it here: the Rachel Rener dream team is up to three!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!