✨END OF YEAR SALE✨ Today through Jan 31st, The Lightning Conjurer Series is on sale (/FREE) on Smashwords! If you aren’t familiar with the site, it’s an amazing platform that provides readers with quality e-books in any format – Kindle, Nook, PDF, mobile reader – whatever! Sign-up takes less than 30 seconds and is completely free, no strings attached. Check out The Lightning Conjurer and millions of other fantastic books this week – FOR FREE!
Book I, The Awakening: 💯% off! Book II, The Enlightening: 75% off! Book III, The Christening: 50% off!
PS – if for some reason you don’t want to sign up, DM us your email address anytime before the 31st and we’ll gift you Book I for free 🎁
🎀 Happy Holidays! 🎀